I Was Digging in My Moms Sock Drawer

Declutter Socks: 15 Minute Mission

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Today's decluttering mission is to declutter socks. The goal isn't to throw all the socks away, but to keep a reasonable amount for each family member that makes opening the sock drawer manageable.

How to declutter socks from your sock drawer or wherever you keep your socks {one of the #Declutter365 missions on Home Storage Solutions 101} use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

You decide what a reasonable amount of socks is for your family, which depends on how often each family member changes socks, how often you do laundry, and how much room you have for storing socks. Keep in mind that the fewer pairs you have the easier it is to keep track of them all! More is not always better.

Be sure to keep a variety of socks – athletic, dress, etc. so you don't end up short in a particular category.

A good first step to decluttering the sock drawer is to remove all the socks that don't have mates.

Sometimes we're afraid that we'll find the mate to a sock later. First, I would suggest implementing some type of sock basket or other system to help you mate up single socks more quickly in the future. You can read my article with ideas and tips about that at the link.

In addition though, even if you don't declutter the socks with missing mates right away, it will help you to remove them at least for the time being from your sock drawer, or wherever you're keeping them, so you don't sort through them daily when trying to find a pair to wear. You could do what a reader, Suzanne,

did recently as an idea. She said, "I put my daughter's odd ones (she had lots) in a clear bag so I can see them in case the mates turn up. But I dated it so that if they don't turn up soon, they'll be tossed." Suzanne sent in a photo of the bag she used, and you can see it below at the bottom of the article.

Another no brainer kind of sock to declutter are those with holes.

If a sock has holes you can mend it, perhaps. If so, place them in your mending basket to make sure you do it. But get real. Are you really going to do it? If not, then it is still clutter and you should get rid of it.

In kids' drawers, go through and take out all the socks that are too small. A pair from 3 years ago most likely won't fit that growing kiddo's foot now.

Obviously if a younger child can wear those old socks, no need to get rid of them completely. But they definitely don't need to be in that child's drawer taking up space and having them try to squeeze their feet into them.

Those small socks should either be shifted to the next child's drawer now, or put into storage until the next child is the right size for them.

Below you can see inspiration from readers who've taken on this challenge!

How to declutter socks from your sock drawer or wherever you keep your socks {one of the #Declutter365 missions on Home Storage Solutions 101} use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Top photo courtesy of Brendan C

Here's My Decluttered Socks With No Mates

The picture above is from a reader, Kim, who did this mission. She said, "Funny you should mention this today. I was just working on decluttering socks yesterday. Look how many socks we have that don't have matches!!!"

Similarly, another reader, Regina, sent in this before and after photo collage below once she'd completed this mission.

Before and after of sock drawer from a reader, Regina, who did the declutter socks #Declutter365 mission {featured on Home Storage Solutions 101}

Ideas For What To Do With Decluttered Socks

Once you've decided what socks to get rid of, you can donate them (assuming there is a match and there's no holes), or trash them. You can also repurpose socks using the ideas from this article about the uses for old socks around your home.

15 Uses for old socks around your home

Are You Ready To Declutter Your Home?

declutter 365

I hope seeing these pictures has inspired you to clean out those sock drawers.

When you begin to declutter the feeling you get is contagious, so if you're loving the results you're getting I would encourage you to keep going.

I've got a whole series of 15 minute decluttering missions (eventually 365 of them!) that you can do.

Just pick and choose the ones you want to do, that will make a big impact in your home. You can see a lot more missions related to decluttering items from clothing or dresser drawers here.

In addition, if you want someone else to tell you the order you can also grab the 15 minute daily decluttering mission calendars and follow along as we all get our homes clutter free together!

In addition, here's a round up of all the Declutter 365 missions on the site for decluttering clothes of all kinds.

How to declutter your wardrobe of excess clothes
How to #declutter socks from your sock drawer, including prime candidates for decluttering and pictures from readers who've done this Declutter 365 mission already {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #DeclutterSocks #DeclutterClothes use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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I Was Digging in My Moms Sock Drawer

Source: https://www.home-storage-solutions-101.com/declutter-socks.html

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