5 Broken Cameras Past Tense Continuous Film

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Top reviews from the United States

KG Reviewed in the United States on May 4, 2016

5.0 out of 5 stars

Deeply affecting - simple and personal

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Deeply affecting document of Palestinian mistreatment at the hands of Israeli settlers and soldiers as the small village of Bil'ni is slowly co-opted and taken away from it's long time residents. The film follows the years 2005 to 2010 during which film-maker Burnat evolves from farmer to obsessive documenter of his town's struggles. During that time, 5 of his camera are destroyed in the protests, giving the film its title.

What gives the film its power is how simple and personal it is. Burnat is no stylist, he's just trying to capture the mistreatment his family, his village, himself have suffered - so the world can see what is happening. We get to know others who we see arrested or beaten or even killed on camera. This isn't a documentary about an objective view, or politics in the big picture. Whatever you think about the bigger issues in the Arab-Israeli conflict (I believe there's a lot of blame to go around on both sides, as well as a lot of people of good intent) , there's no question that this particular group of unarmed protesters being repeatedly greeted with tear gas, rubber bullets and ultimately even live ammunition is an unforgivable abuse of human rights, and is forming very human scars that will infect the next generation for years to come.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Excellent story from the point of view of a Palestinian farmer whose village land is being stolen by Israeli settlers

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An excellent film about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the point of view of a Palestinian farmer whose village has had land stolen for a nearby settlement. Multiply that many times and you will understand the central role of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank in the conflict today. Israeli settlers will not admit they are stealing the Palestinian land. They will say that this is historical Jewish land promised to them by God. They have an entire army to protect them and back them up. It's shocking to see Israeli soldiers repeatedly shoot and kill Palestinians who are engaged in peaceful protest that would be protected free speech in developed Western countries. The narrator has a simple, poetic style of speaking that greatly helps this documentary. It is worth noticing that much of the film takes place in the land of men, among men, with few women in the public spaces you see, most of them foreign women who are among the supporters of the Palestinians, and some of the supporters are Israelis. I couldn't watch this film in one sitting. I watched it over four or five viewings. It is too disturbing to watch at once. If you want to know more about this at the end, you might wish to read "The Lords of the Land," the history of the Israeli settler movement in the West Bank.

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Brent Storrs Reviewed in the United States on July 24, 2014

5.0 out of 5 stars

Is this a real documentary?

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Is this really a documentary? I just came across it on youtube and started watching not knowing anything about it. At first, I thought it was a normal movie with actors. I thought they were really good actors. The longer it went the more I started to think it was real. I did not believe it though. I could not grasp this idea because growing up in America we were told certain things about these 2 groups of people and the documentary was showing exactly the opposite. My brain just did not accept it! I had never seen actually video footage of Israeli's or Palestinians before so I did not know what it looked like there. I had no idea that the Palestinians lived like this. I still don't know if it was a real documentary. I am hoping it is not. I am totally mind blown. Peacefully protesting and then getting shot by rubber bullets and gas canisters? This movie has totally shattered my reality about the world. I will buy and burn hundreds of copies and pass them out to everybody. I feel I am truly touched by God after watching these scenes of pain and agony.

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Duke Reviewed in the United States on October 17, 2015

3.0 out of 5 stars

A documentary of Palestinian grievances seen through an unnecessarily narrow prism.

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"5 Broken Cameras" is an award-winning video documentary by Emad Burnat, a West Bank Palestinian. A compulsive videographer, he gets his hard-to-replace cameras serially broken at successive demonstrations opposing harsh Israeli occupation. In between documenting the violence, Burnat records himself in his home setting, talking thoughtfully with his family and friends. Playing to the camera, he gradually educates the viewer to his understanding of the situation in which West Bank Palestinians find themselves. He also indoctrinates, then involves, his children in the bloody protests, thus helping perpetuate the cycle of violence, i.e., Demonstration, Provocation, Retaliation, which foments fresh grievances for the next demonstration (reference: see the Palestinian demonstration videos on YouTube.Com).

In demonstration-after-demonstration, all Palestinian provocations toward Israeli military/police personnel go unrecorded, but each bloody aftermath is faithfully captured. I waited for other voices to be heard, but this was not to be. Instead of attempting to "win the hearts and minds" of Burnat's declared oppressors, he plays mainly to those already sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. His grievance is valid, but his film could have been more morally compelling if he gave articulation to both sides of the conflict. Regardless of who makes a documentary on whatever topic, omissions give the perception that one has something untidy to hide. In spite of having won several accolades, Burnat's film missed the mark.

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Rodney Varfley Reviewed in the United States on April 9, 2013

4.0 out of 5 stars

An unbroken story!

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Before watching this, I thought I knew of the problems between Israelis and Palestinians, but this just gave me a whole different point of view that I had never come across.

I must say, I am more confused now than before watching it, but this man did the ultimate thing in the fight by simply capturing what goes on and not resorting to arms for his defense or to plead his case. It's awful what they are going through and I wish all of their human neighbors will see their daily existence and want to work towards showing them God's charity.

I wish their was more info or facts flashing on the screen every once in a while but it wasn't really the intent of the film.

This is way better than Searching For Sugarman.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Raw & Real

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Very hard to watch the reality of what has truly happened to the Palestinian people at the hands of the Israelu government and people. Easy to follow narration of events and honest and raw emotion from the characters.

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Shurq D. Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2013

5.0 out of 5 stars

An interesting film about the reality of Palestine.

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The filmer of 5 Broken Cameras had a creative way to show viewers the reality of what is really happening in Palestine. Palestine and Isreal are in conflict to this day and are going through war. This is a wonderfull way to show the Palestinans perspective of what is going on in their lives. I was very interested in this and I think people should know what is happening to Palestine and the effect of the occupation on children and adults.

I was pulled in the very second this movie started. This is what is really happening till today. This movie also changed my views on the Middle East. You'll really understand the meaning and truth of the occupation of Palestine and the city in this documentry takes place. I was moved and thouched by this film and I reccomend it to people of all ages. We should spread this message and free Palestine.

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MK Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2017

5.0 out of 5 stars

Great movie. I really helped me to understand the ...

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Great movie. I really helped me to understand the Palestinian plight. One reviewer suggested that this movie was bad because it had no background. I suspect the more background could have provided would only make the Israeli IDF look worse. This movie gives perspective to what had been missing in the American media. The human rights abuse that occurs on a daily basis against the Palestinians. Illegal settlements on Palestinian land creates an Apartheid state in which Israel is the aggressor. This goes to the core conflict in Israel. This is a powerful movie that every American needs to see. It lifts the veil of the Israeli propaganda so prevalent in the US.

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Source: https://www.amazon.com/5-Broken-Cameras-English-Subtitled/dp/B00B03Z858

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